Iron Brawlers - A Post-Release Reflection
Iron Brawlers was set to release on on June 10, 2021. In the late hours of release day, Dante, Josh, and I worked tirelessly to create a stable build that we would be proud to show to our friends, family, and the public. Due to a number of critical issues, we decided not to release. It was a hard decision for us to make: on the one hand, we all really wanted to make the game live and see what people thought of our efforts; but on the other, we felt that the game was so close to our imagined player experience, that we would be doing it an injustice by launching it in its present state. This decision comes from a collective passion for the game. We are in the unique position of not being ready to stop working on Iron Brawlers. For us, that's super exciting. Rather than finishing our studies and going our separate ways, we plan to continue to develop Iron Brawlers, using it as a platform for building new portfolio pieces and improving our craft as developers whil...